People spend too much time thinking about something “wrong” that
happened in their lives and it’s harming them.
For example: A person
lent $100 to a friend and that friend did not pay him back. This person then
spends the next 3- 6 months or longer being consumed with and constantly
thinking about how they “got screwed” by their friend. Furthermore, they spend
all their time and energy thinking about how they’re going to get that money
back or worse, how they will get revenge
on that person for “screwing them over”.
Problem with this, first of all, is all the negative energy they
spend on the situation. This negative
energy is actually doing them more harm that the original problem. Our bodies
are made up of energy, positive and negative. When we have an imbalance of one
or the other, it affects us. Too much positive energy or too much negative
energy, both have effects on us. Thoughts are vibrations turned into energy, resonating
throughout our bodies and these vibrations are actually our life force, that
is, it’s what keeps us alive. Now, energy is made up of vibrations and when we
spend all our time thinking about revenge or how we’ll get back at someone,
those are negative vibrations that end up bouncing throughout our bodies that
effect our life energy. Eventually, we get so many negative vibrations built up
inside our bodies from this way of thinking that they end up harming us. They
harm us not just physically but also mentally and spiritually. These negative
vibrations fill us with negative energy that wreaks havoc on us. We might not
see it right away but it does have slow, long term effects. Why do you think
they say that stress is the number one killer? It’s because of all the negative
vibrations, all the negative energy that is consuming our body, mind and soul
from the thoughts created by the stress. It literally kills the body which in
turn damages the mind and soul.
I hear it all the time, people commenting about how someone
screwed them over for this or that and how they will “get them” for it or in
other words, how they will get their revenge on this person. Little do they
realize the harm they are actually doing to themselves! The time and energy spent on this is far more
damaging, in most cases, than the original “crime”. If they would just learn to
“let it go”, they would be far healthier and would not end up “screwing
themselves”… Look at the big picture, people, and don’t get so wrapped up on
the “little” things in life (everything is actually “little” if you think about
it in a spiritual sense).
Now I’m not saying to not pursue and attempt to recover that
what was lost. No, I’m not saying that. What I do mean is to not let it consume
you. Follow up on it but keep it to a reasonable level. Don’t forget, it’s just
material stuff that is not ever lasting. Material things will eventually fade
away like dust in the wind. It’s simply a material thing in our material
world. Stay focused on the spiritual
world and what’s important to the health and growth of your spirit.
Be like nature: the birds, the trees, the bees, ants and
other don’t dwell on what “happened” to them, they deal with it right then and
there, “lick their wounds, learn from it and then move on”, leaving it behind
them. Let it be…. It’s better for ya.
Myself, I try let things go. Things happen in life that I
cannot control and I might get bummed out about it but then I let it go. As I
move forward in life, those types of situations are long gone; as a matter of
fact, they aren’t even in my “rear view mirror” anymore, as I continue driving forward, along the highway of my life J